Science & Health
Is sex the new cure to better sleep? Here's what recent studies say!
Should new mums eat placenta like Kim Kardashian? Study reveals the truth
Astronomer reveals 13% of sky covered by mysterious fast-moving gas in a map
Life on Jupiter? Find out how one of the planet's moons has life-sustaining features!
Beware! Drop in blood pressure can be an indication of early death in elderly adults
Human civilization on Mars: Farming might be possible on Red Planet as worms take birth in 'Martian soil'
Meet 'Ripped Grandpa', the 50-year-old with a better body and style than yours!
Hi-tech suicide machine: This Australian doctor created a machine that can help people have a painless death
2 yrs to Swachh Bharat deadline, 62% districts not open-defecation free [VIDEO]
Using 'living ink' in 3D printers could help in skin replacements, new research reveals [VIDEO]
Yellowstone Supervolcano more likely than Nibiru to cause doomsday, say conspiracy theorists
How to make pizza in space? You can learn from these astronauts [VIDEO]
Destructive Mars: Martian landslides may be deadlier than their Earthly counterparts reaching 713 kmph
You may be inviting dementia by using Google and not your brain, expert warns