Science & Health
It's in their genes: People living in cold regions more likely to get cancer
Was Santa Claus real? An ancient bone attributed to St Nicholas has tantalising secrets to reveal
Angelina Jolie 'lookalike' admits 50 surgeries claim was fake; says she did it to amuse herself
Spectacular rainbow lasting 9 hours in Taiwan all set to break 23-year-old record [VIDEO]
Samsung fuelling climate change by using 'dirty, old-fashioned fossil fuels' to make gadgets, says Greenpeace
World's first 'living tattoo' could be a wearable device in the future
Is sex the new cure to better sleep? Here's what recent studies say!
Should new mums eat placenta like Kim Kardashian? Study reveals the truth
Astronomer reveals 13% of sky covered by mysterious fast-moving gas in a map
Life on Jupiter? Find out how one of the planet's moons has life-sustaining features!
Beware! Drop in blood pressure can be an indication of early death in elderly adults
Human civilization on Mars: Farming might be possible on Red Planet as worms take birth in 'Martian soil'
Meet 'Ripped Grandpa', the 50-year-old with a better body and style than yours!
Hi-tech suicide machine: This Australian doctor created a machine that can help people have a painless death