Science & Health
Light therapy can heal burn injuries faster; activates key protein in cell growth [Explained]
Mixing Covishield, Covaxin provides better immunity: ICMR puts Indians' minds at ease [details]
Psyche: A US$10,000 Quadrillion Asteroid that Can Turn Everyone on Earth Billionaires; Has Enough Gold to Topple World Economy [Details]
Final field trip of NASA mission to study "Oceans Melting Greenland" begins
NASA is looking for candidates for a year-long simulated Mars mission on earth [Details]
NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Captures Two Views of Otherwise a Stereo Image (Watch)
First Mars sampling bid by Perseverance rover fails, NASA team busy to find reason
This Anti-Cholesterol Drug May Reduce COVID-19 Infection By 70%; Shows High Potential Against Variants Too [Study]
What Triggers Lung Damage In COVID-19 Patients; Specific Immune Cell Is Culprit [Details]
ISRO to launch GISAT-1 on Aug 12; India's first Sky Eye satellite
Truth behind Jupiter's "energy problem" revealed by space scientists
Australia's mathematician has discovered the world's oldest example of applied geometry
Children's short-sightedness on rise amid Covid lockdown with increased use of mobiles, computer screens [Study]
Kalonji may aid in the treatment of Covid-19 infection, confirms Australian study