ambrosia sabrina

Articles by ambrosia sabrina

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India's Top Ten Most Fuel Efficient Cars to Beat the Petrol Price Hike

Just when the average Indian seemed to make peace with petrol costs on their gas guzzling vehicles, the steep hike in petrol prices which took effect this month spurred consumers across the nation to rethink their auto-budget. Keeping fuel economy in mind, here are ten of the best fuel efficient diesel cars that won't kill at the pump Jun 3, 2012

India Warns of Potential Ban on EU Airlines over Carbon Tax Dispute

European airlines may risk an embargo from India's airspace, should Brussels impose sanctions on Indian carriers over carbon emissions. Brussels is facing the heat from several nations, including China, Russia, over an EU carbon emissions trading scheme that called for charging airlines over pollution. Civil aviation minister Ajit Singh hinted the possibility of a ban on EU carriers in an interview. May 25, 2012