Pharrell Williams campaign for Hillary Clinton

Pharrell Williams campaign for Hillary Clinton

US Senator Bernie Sanders accused Republican candidate Donald Trumps campaign of being based on a cornerstone of bigotry, while musician Pharrell Williams praised Hillary Clinton as being the candidate to unite America. The unlikely pair joined forces in North Carolina on 3 November, to try to help boost Clinton in the battleground state. Clintons lead has dwindled in the past few days after being rocked by the FBI revealing it is again investigating emails related to a private email server she used as secretary of state. Nov 4, 2016
Evan McMullin: The dark horse in the US Presidential race

Evan McMullin: The dark horse in the US Presidential race

The odds of independent candidate Evan McMullin winning the US Presidential election on 8 November are extremely slim. But because of the rules of the US Electoral College system, the traditional Republican hasnt ruled out his chances of being the next leader of the free world. Nov 2, 2016
Hillary Clinton email scandal: There is no case here

Hillary Clinton email scandal: There is no case here

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has reinforced her innocence and welcomed the FBI to look at the emails in the latest twist of the private server scandal. She told supporters she was confident that the FBI would reach the same conclusion as it did, that there were no grounds for an charges. Nov 1, 2016
Anthony Weiner sexting scandal: FBI to investigate Huma Abedin emails linked to Hillary Clinton private email server

Anthony Weiner sexting scandal: FBI to investigate Huma Abedin emails linked to Hillary Clinton private email server

The FBI have obtained a warrant needed to begin reviewing emails found on a laptop used by Hillary Clinton aid Huma Abedin. Metadata from a laptop, used by Huma and estranged husband Anthony Weiner, indicates emails were sent via Clintons private server. FBI director James Comeys letter announcing the new inquiry to Congress has caused political uproar. He has been criticised by Democrats, Republicans and the Justice Department. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has even suggested that Comey may have broken The Hatch Act, a law preventing government officials from influencing elections. Oct 31, 2016