Nasa: Ingredients for life at Saturns moon Enceladus

Nasa: Ingredients for life at Saturns moon Enceladus

Nasas Cassini spacecraft discovered hydrogen in the plume of gas and icy particles spraying from Saturns moon Enceladus. The discovery means the small, icy moon — which has a global ocean under its surface — has a source of chemical energy that could be useful for microbes, if any exist there. Nov 3, 2017
Sonys new Aibo robot dog is the cutest in AI technology

Sonys new Aibo robot dog is the cutest in AI technology

Sonys Aibo robo-dog is now more lifelike than ever. After more than a decade away, Sony has bred an even cuter and more sophisticated robot dog: Aibo. The pet robot dog uses artificial intelligence to interact with its human owner.  It can wag its tail and play tricks like fetch or high-five. Nov 3, 2017