Science & Health

Bird (avian) flu in Kerala: One lakh ducks to be culled, says animal husbandry minister

The Movember movement: All you need to know!

5 tips for post-Diwali detox

See how non-enzymatic RNA replicates

Breast cancer deaths to rise 60% by 2030 in developing nations, says US study

Poaching: Tragic decline of the African elephant population in numbers

Nepal drains risky glacial lake near Mount Everest

66 crore children breathe toxic air in north India, neighbouring countries: Unicef

Now you have one more reason to be depressed...the end of Daylight Savings Time

Italy earthquake: Is bio-engineered 'thinking soil' the answer to nature's fury?

SHOCKING! You just inhaled smoke of 100s of cigarettes by burning firecrackers

Mixing alcohol and caffeine likely to have similar effects like cocaine: Scientists

World Stroke Day 2016: India observes the campaign for the first time with ambassador Sunil Gavaskar

World Stroke Day 2016: Stroke is Treatable