Science & Health

China's Chang'e-4 sprouts cotton plant on Moon, and now its dead

Mountain collapses in Russia: Conspiracy theorists put forward UFO crash possibilities

China faked moon landing? Yes, says aliens theory researcher citing a line in image

Existence of alien life is something we can never cover up, says NASA official

Sun will turn into a crystalline ball bringing doomsday on earth: Study

Universe existed before Big Bang, and it was mirror image of present cosmos with time traveling backward: study

Why International media outlets connecting mysterious radio bursts to extraterrestrial aliens?

Move over drug addicts, Facebook users will now make those wrong decisions

Modi govt's clean air drive targets to cut pollution in 102 worst affected cities by 2024

Was Christopher Nolan right? Study finds rotating black holes can be used for hyperspace journeys

Alien contact? Mysteriously repeating radio signals captured by Canadian telescope

Cosmic cataclysm soon as monster asteroid may slam into earth, predicts pastor Begley

Indian Science Congress 2019: Forget Einstein or Hawking, find this new clamor for science in Mahabharata

Scientist reveals details about biggest-ever tsunami in the history of earth