Amnesty accuses President Trump of human rights violations

Amnesty accuses President Trump of human rights violations

Human rights organization Amnesty International has provided a scathing review of human rights worldwide in its annual report.The report mentions Donald Trump alongside leaders of Russia, China, Egypt, the Philippines and Venezuela as violating human rights. Feb 22, 2018
Trump suggests arming teachers could prevent school shootings

Trump suggests arming teachers could prevent school shootings

US President Donald Trump suggested on Wednesday (21 February) that arming teachers could help prevent massacres such as last weeks mass shooting at a Florida high school. He voiced support for the idea during an emotional White House meeting with students who survived the shooting and a parent whose child did not. Feb 22, 2018
Donald Trump is the worst president according to political science experts

Donald Trump is the worst president according to political science experts

On a scale of 0 to 100 for overall greatness, President Trump scored just over 12, coming in dead last among U.S. commanders-in-chief in an expert rankings survey released on Presidents Day. The 2018 Presidents and Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey, which ranks presidents from best to worst, was based on responses from 170 current and recent members of a section of the American Political Science Association, an organization of social science experts. Feb 20, 2018
Elizabeth Warren addresses Pocahontas slurs

Elizabeth Warren addresses Pocahontas slurs

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered a speech at the National Congress of American Indians on February 14, addressing her controversial claims of Native American heritage and calling out President Donald Trump and amp;#39;s habit of calling her Pocahontas. Feb 15, 2018
Trump touts Republican success:

Trump touts Republican success:

Speaking at a three-day retreat for congressional Republicans, President Donald Trump claimed party success during his first year in office saying, I and amp;#39;ve kept one promise after another and we and amp;#39;re just getting started. Feb 2, 2018