Ancient Fish-Lizard Skeleton Found Uncovered Beneath Melting Glaciers (Representational Image)

Ancient Fish-Lizard Skeleton Uncovered Beneath Melting Glaciers

Scientists have recently uncovered nearly full skeletons of ancient marine reptiles from a melting glacier in Southern Chile. 46 specimens were collected from four varied species of ichthyosaurs. Ichthyosaurs are creatures, which are also called "fish lizards" in Greek. May 30, 2014
James Bond

Who Should be the Next Bond Girl - Blake Lively or Amber Heard?

The next "Bond" film, which is expected to pick up from where "Skyfall" left off, will start filming sometime in November, and reports have it that producers are on the look-out for the perfect Bond girl who will pack a punch as well as look sexy on screen. May 30, 2014
New Pain-free Tooth Decay Treatment to Replace Conventional Dental Drills (Representational Image)

Laser Therapy Could Replace Dentists' Root Canal Drills

Now there is a relief for the people with tooth problem. Soon doctors to switch from root canal drill procedures to painless laser treatment. Researchers at Harvard University have found that if the cells on the inner side of the tooth are exposed to weak laser light, it can help trigger the growth of dentin. May 30, 2014