lahore kitten

In Lahore, kitten raped repeatedly by teen boys is dead; no legal action

A horrific, inhuman incident has surfaced Pakistan's Lahore, as a bunch of 15-year-old boys gang-raped a kitten in for more than a week. An NGO reported that the feline was thrown in a nearby dumpster after it was brusquely raped and died as it suffered multiple organ failure. Jul 28, 2020
Doctors are human too

Doctors trend #MedBikini as study suggests 'having fun' is unlawful

A 2019 study published in the journal of vascular surgery by the society for vascular surgery has taken social media by a storm. Doctors are up in arms about this sickening study which not only shames them but is also seen as disturbingly creepy with zero merits. Jul 24, 2020