First gender-neutral toilet opens at Los Angeles school

A Los Angeles high school recently opened the first gender-neutral toilet in the nations second-largest school district, and likely the state, in a move geared toward accommodating transgender students. Santee Education Complex converted a second-floor female toilet after the campus Gay Straight Alliance gathered some 700 signatures on a petition calling for the change during a heated national debate over transgender rights. Apr 19, 2016

Israeli brewery down to last bottle of Christ-era craft beer

A Jerusalem brewery has produced a craft beer with a taste it says dates back to the time of Jesus. A sip of the concoction, made by Herzl Brewery from a wheat that Tel Aviv University geneticists identified as the strain used for beer in the Holy Land two millennia ago, may help explain why wine was the preferred sacred beverage of the Bible. Apr 19, 2016

Ecuador: Emergency workers rescue dog from rubble

As emergency personnel work furiously to find survivors along the coastal region of Ecuador that was ravaged by a 7.8-magnitude earthquake on 16 April, one team joyously rescued a trapped dog in what remains of the town of Manta. Apr 19, 2016