Trump praises Paul Ryan for hard work on failed Obamacare vote

Trump praises Paul Ryan for hard work on failed Obamacare vote

The House of Representatives cancelled the vote on the bill to repeal Obamacare after failing to gather support within the GOP for it to pass. US President Donald Trump blamed the Democrats for the bills failure - despite the fact that his own party controls both the House and the Senate. Mar 25, 2017
Syrias war: The conflict explained

Syrias war: The conflict explained

What started with young men vandalizing the walls of a school with the words “It’s your turn, Doctor Bashar al-Assad” in February 2011 has evolved into six years of bloodshed, violence and destruction. Syria, the Arab Spring’s greatest failure, is fast approaching another anniversary. Newsweek details Syria’s descent into war, one that has transformed a people, a country, and a region, potentially forever. Mar 13, 2017