Receiving digital life certificate becomes a daunting task for India's elderly

Digital Life Certificates: A Challenge for India's Elderly

India's elderly struggle with obtaining digital life certificates due to lack of digital skills or technology access. The government's digital life certificate campaign uses face authentication technology, but has logistical issues. Nov 9, 2024
In a global first, NTPC plant starts converting captured CO2 into methanol

In a global first, NTPC plant starts converting captured CO2 into methanol

Government-owned power giant NTPC announced on Friday that in "a major groundbreaking achievement," it has been "successful in the synthesis of CO2 captured from flue gas with hydrogen produced from a PEM electrolyser, which was then converted into methanol at NTPC's Vindhyachal plant." Nov 8, 2024
New Delhi--Pollution

Air Pollution Fuels Digestive Disorders in Delhi

Delhi's air pollution has been linked to a rise in digestive disorders, with the city's air quality index (AQI) often surpassing 400. Long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to inflammatory disorders in the digestive systems, according to Dr. Harshal R Salve of AIIMS, New Delhi. Nov 7, 2024