Science & Health

Nasa is hiring a planetary protection officer to protect the Earth from aliens

NASA continues research on pulsars 50 years after the accidental discovery: Top 5 things to know

NASA is hiring a full-time Planetary Protection Officer; top 7 things to know about this alien combating job

Earth likely to warm 2°C by end of this century

5 things to follow in your 40s for a healthy living

World Breastfeeding Week 2017: 7 facts to know about nursing mothers

NASA reveals more about Proxima b's habitability: Top 7 things to know

NASA's Cassini spacecraft discover stunning auroras in Saturn's southern atmosphere [VIDEO]

NASA develops new technology to detect corona discharge; here are top things to know

Duty first: Pregnant doctor performs patient's delivery before going into labour

Medical marijuana should be legalised in India, says Maneka Gandhi

NASA to explore 2012 TC4's Earth flyby in October; top 7 things about the asteroid

NASA discovers chemical capable of forming cell membrane on Saturn's moon Titan [VIDEO]

Scientists spot a mysterious object beyond Neptune [VIDEO]