Nivedita Giri

Articles by Nivedita Giri

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China flag

China tried to battle India, but ended up with a war within

The damage has already been done to the Chinese economy as well as the country's global stature. Now the only act of contrition that the CCP could do in a bid to restore more positive Sino-Western relations is to force Xi to step down. Sep 17, 2020
Donald Trump

5 reasons Donald Trump might lose 2020 polls

Trump's bizarre public statements, his refusal to wear a mask and his pressure on states to get their economies reopen left governors and other state officials scrambling to deal with a leadership vacuum. Sep 5, 2020
Donald Trump Says Chuck Schumer Is A ‘Puppet For Nancy Pelosi, If You Can Believe That’

Trump calls Nancy Pelosi crazy; he might just be right

Coronavirus cases in California are on the decline, with almost 14 per cent over the past week. Some counties in the Bay Area have begun to loosen restrictions and reopen stores and salons at partial capacity. But hair salons in San Francisco, which like most personal care businesses, have been hurting during the pandemic. Sep 2, 2020