Indexation removal on real estate won't hike tax burden, has limited impact

Indexation removal on real estate will have limited impact: FM

Amid the growing chatter over the removal of indexation benefit in the long-term capital gain (LTCG) calculation, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has stressed that the move is not a "revenue-raising measure" and will not lead to a higher tax burden on real estate transactions. 1 day ago
Consumption of natural gas rises by 7 pc in June as more Indians switch to green fuel

Going green? Consumption of natural gas rises by 7% in June

The consumption of natural gas in India went up 7.1 per cent in June to 5,594 million metric standard cubic metres (MMSCM), this year compared to the same month last year, as more households across the country are using the fuel for cooking; the demand is also rising in the urban transport segment, according to data compiled by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. 8 days ago