
Fat Loss Kettle-bell workout compilation

On Fast track to Fitness, we will see a few kettle-bell workout you can do at home. Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/VentunoFitness Twitter - https://twitter.com/VentunoFitness Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/ventunofitness A Ventuno Production http://www.ventunotech.com Oct 15, 2014

Broccoli Compound to Fight Autism

Interestingly, treatment with a daily sulforaphane helped improve social and behavioural symptoms of young people affected with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) within one month of starting the course. Oct 14, 2014

Fat Loss Full body exercise

Here is a 20 minute full body exercise for those days when you have time on your hands. Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/VentunoFitness Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/ventunofitness A Ventuno Production http://www.ventunotech.com Oct 13, 2014