
Articles by admin

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Man wins $390,000 in gender discrimination lawsuit

Man wins $390,000 in gender discrimination lawsuit

An Austrian man has won $390,000 in compensation after he was discriminated against on the basis of his gender. Transport ministry official Peter Franzmayr was found to be more qualified for a managerial role than Ursula Zechner, who got the job. Mar 21, 2018
World water crisis in numbers

World water crisis in numbers

2.1 billion people lack access to clean and safe water worldwide, and with the global population projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, water scarcity will continue to be a major issue for generations to come. Mar 21, 2018
Who is Mark Dombroski? US college student found dead in Bermuda

Who is Mark Dombroski? US college student found dead in Bermuda

Mark Dombroski, a 19-year-old freshman at St. Josephs University in Philadephia, was found dead in Bermuda on Mar. 19. He was traveling to the British Island territory with his rugby team for a tournament over the weekend. But reportedly disappeared few hours after his match ended. Local police found his body in a moat at the base of a colonial-era fort in a park. Mar 21, 2018
Facebook and Cambridge Analytica suffer backlash following data breach claims

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica suffer backlash following data breach claims

Facebook and Cambridge Analytica have suffered backlash following claims the political consultancy firm harvested 50 million Facebook users and amp;#39; data to influence the 2016 U.S. election.Facebook and amp;#39;s stock value fell 7% at the end of Wall Street trading on March, 19 and the U.K. Information Commissioner is seeking a warrant to search Cambridge Analytica and amp;#39;s servers.A story published by the Observer and further investigated by Channel 4 News and the New York Times also revealed the company boasted about honey traps, entrapping politicians and fake news campaigns. Mar 21, 2018
Good samaritans pull man from burning car crash

Good samaritans pull man from burning car crash

The Westtown-East Goshen Police Department in Pennsylvania released dashcam video recorded last Wednesday showing several unidentified good Samaritans helping officers pull a driver from an overturned, burning vehicle.  Mar 21, 2018
Shipping Containers Fall In Sea As Ships Collide In Karachi Port

Shipping Containers Fall In Sea As Ships Collide In Karachi Port

Two cargo ships collided in the port of Karachi, Pakistan, on March 19, causing shipping containers to topple into the sea. An estimated 55-60 containers fell into the water, port authorities told Pakistan Today. The collision forced the closure of the South Asia Pakistan Terminal at the port. Mar 20, 2018
Worlds last male northern white rhino dies

Worlds last male northern white rhino dies

The last male northern white rhino has died at a conservancy in Kenya, leaving just two females left in the world as the subspecies faces extinction.Sudan, aged 45, died following a recent bout of age-related illness including an infection in one of his legs. Soon, Sudans illness left him unbale to stand, with a veterinarian team deciding that euthanizing him was the best option. Mar 20, 2018
Paying for sex is to torture a woman, says Pope Francis

Paying for sex is to torture a woman, says Pope Francis

Pope Francis used strong words to condemn men who pay for sex with prostitutes during a meeting in Vatican City on Monday (Mar. 19). He asked forgiveness from women for Catholic men who frequent prostitutes, saying it was a crime that constitutes not love but torture. Francis said that in Italy, it was likely that some 90 percent of male clients of prostitutes were baptized Catholics. Mar 20, 2018
Watch: Philadelphia zoo gorilla walks upright like a human

Watch: Philadelphia zoo gorilla walks upright like a human

An 18-year-old silverback gorilla at the Philadelphia Zoo likes to stay nice and clean. To do so, he walks on his hind legs so that only his feet have to touch the ground—which has given visitors to the zoo, as well as those watching him from around the world online, quite a shock.While its not totally unusual for a gorilla to walk upright in the manner of their human cousins, Louis does it more frequently than most. Mar 20, 2018
President Trump vs the FBI

President Trump vs the FBI

President Trump publicly attacked Special Counsel Robert Mueller for the first time, just hours after his firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Mar 20, 2018