hafeez saeed
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In an unprecedented move, Pakistan has approached the United Nations Security Council, requesting to allow the globally designated terrorist, Hafeez Saeed, to withdraw money "for his personal expenses".

The Council has approved the request, dated August 15, after no objections were raised within the deadline.

A statement by the UNSC committee pursuant to resolution 1267, 1989, 2253 read: "The Chair has the honour to refer to his draft letter to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan communicating the Committee's decision with respect to the intention of the Pakistani authorities to authourise certain expenditures to the benefit of Hafiz Muhammed Saeed (QDi. 263), Haji Muhammad Ashraf (QDi. 265) and Zafar Iqbal (QDi. 308) to cover basic expenses, as specified in the note verbale of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan."

Letter by UNSC chair

In its letter to the UNSC, Pakistan had asked to let Saeed make withdrawals from his account since he is the sole member supporting his family and needs to cover the basic living expenses. Pakistan asked for approval for Saeed to withdraw 1,50,000 Pakistani rupees (PKR). This amounts to roughly USD 1,000.

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pakistan letter to UNSC 2
pakistan letter to UNSC 3

Pakistan also mentioned in the letter that they froze Saeed's bank accounts after his arrest in compliance with the UNSC resolution. The letter stated that Saeed is an assistant professor of engineering and technology in Lahore. Saeed was arrested on July 17 in a terror-financing case and has been lodged in Lahore's high-security Kot Lakhpat jail.

The move comes immediately after Pakistan claimed that it has stopped supporting terrorist activities on its soil and is making an effort to weed them out. FATF Asian Pacific has already blacklisted Pakistan for its alleged activities with homegrown terrorists and the country is in danger of being blacklisted by the global FATF. Earlier this year, Pakistan was warned and asked to show proof of their efforts to curb terror financing by mid-October or they would be blacklisted.