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Giraffe dies at Lisbon zoo [Representative Image]Creative Commons

An 11-year-old giraffe at a Lisbon zoo recently died while trying to reach a visitor who was feeding her. The giraffe was earlier in the news after giving birth to a calf last November.

As per several reports, the animal fell into a ditch while trying to reach to the visitor. The incident took place on May 26, Saturday afternoon.

Despite the feeding ban, the person tried to feed the giraffe. Ironically, the person was also seen standing next to a sign, where it is clearly indicated that visitors should not give any kind of food to the animals, according to Ines Carvalho, a zoo spokesperson.

Carvalho also said, "The animals are well-fed and people don't need to bring food from home."

Last year the video of the giraffe's giving birth was broadcast on YouTube. Her calf was born on November 16, 2017, with a height of 1.90 metres approx.

The Angolan Giraffe, which is also known as the Namibian Giraffe, was one of the three giraffes kept in the zoo in Europe. Apart from Lisbon zoo, the other two zoos are Holland and Germany.

This particular subspecies of the giraffe is specifically found in northern Namibia, south-western Zambia, Botswana and western Zimbabwe. There are more nearly 13,000 animals are estimated to remain in the wild while at least 20 are kept in a zoo.

The giraffe calf, which has learnt to feed on its own, would still need the support to deal with the loss.

The accused visitor was said to have identified by the police force. Although the police did not make any comment on the incident.