The possible existence of aliens in distant nooks of the universe has been perplexing space experts and conspiracy theorists for several years. Conspiracy theorists believe that the sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFO) that are happening in various parts of the world could be signalling alien presence on earth. 

A recent acknowledgement by the Pentagon assuring the authenticity of UFO sightings including the infamous tic-tac UFO incident has fueled up alien theories all across the globe. Even though there is a lack of scientific evidence, such acknowledgement from official authorities have made people believe that these are all indirect admission of alien existence. 

Alien Invasion
Alien Invasion Representational PicturePixabay

And now, a paper released by a Harvard expert (yet to undergo peer review) has suggested that there could be an alien mothership present in the solar system, and this giant craft could be sending "dandelion seeds" - small spaceships capable of collecting and transmitting data to planets including earth. 

According to the expert, this process is very similar to the way in which humans send probes to other space bodies. 

The draft paper, titled "Physical Constraints on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena," was jointly produced by Avi Loeb, an astronomer from Harvard University, and Sean M. Kirkpatrick, who serves as the director of the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). 

It should be noted that the AARO was set up by the Department of Defence in July 2022 to detect and study objects that are deemed noteworthy. 

"Habitable planets would be particularly appealing to extra-terrestrial trans-medium probes, capable of moving between space, air and water. From a large distance, Venus, Earth or Mars would be equally attractive for probes. But upon closer inspection, Earth would show spectral signatures of liquid water and vegetation," said the authors of the paper. 

The authors added: "What would be the overarching purpose of the journey? In analogy with actual dandelion seeds, the probes could propagate the blueprint of their senders." 

Earlier, Avi Loeb had claimed that Oumuamua, the first interstellar object that reached the solar system could be an alien probe. Loeb made this conclusion after analyzing the weird acceleration of this object.