Women in India more active on Google search than men
Women in India more active on Google search than menReuters

Search giant Google, in a report released Tuesday, said women users in India were now spending significantly more time on Google Search than men.

According to the report, the highest percentile of growth in terms of time spent on Google Search was in the middle-aged category. Women between the age of 35 and 44 spent 123 percent more time on Google Search than middle-aged men, according to the study. The growth was measured on a year-on-year basis in terms of time spent in minutes on Google Search.

Even women above 55 years of age had sarted using the search more. According to the survey, this category outgrew the age group between 15 years and 24 years as well as the age group between 24 years and 35 years.

In terms of time spent on search, the number of women between 15 years and 24 years grew 110 percent against a growth of 104 percent among men of the same age group.

According to the survey, a third of mothers spent time on Google Search against a quarter of fathers on the Web.

"The Internet is playing an incredibly important role in changing the lives of women in India. It is great to see how women are taking to the Internet in greater numbers and increasing their time spent, even outpacing the time spent by men. This trend is likely to continue growing as India's vast rural population of over 800 million comes online and experiences the power of the Internet," Google said in a statement.

According to the report, India currently has the world's third-largest Internet user base, after China and the US, with approximately 325 million active users. Of these, 121 million users are on broadband while the rest are narrowband Internet users.