WhatsApp's change in privacy policy has put everyone on edge and many users are already flocking to alternatives such as Signal and Telegram. WhatsApp's decision to share data with Facebook did not go down well for the world's leading cross-platform messaging app, but one man's loss is another one's gain.

Free IM apps that put privacy first like Signal and Telegram witnessed a spike in user downloads after WhatsApp's announcement. In users' defence, the Facebook-owned messaging app left users with no choice on the new privacy policy change and it is now paying the price. As the popular saying goes, there's no such thing as free lunch, in this case, your data is the price you pay for a free service. And if you're an ardent believer of this theory, there might just be the app for you.

Threema is one of the few top messaging apps, often ignored for the fact that it is not offered free. Regardless, Threema has witnessed a spike in downloads amid WhatsApp's privacy controversy. But if you're asking yourself why pay when there are free alternatives, Threema makes a strong and compelling case. Reasons explained below.

Threema vs WhatsApp

Is Threema a good alternative?

Threema is a Swiss messaging app and puts data privacy and security above everything else. The app is open source and end-to-end encrypted. It is designed to generate as little user data on servers as possible and even restricts storage of meta data about who is communicating with whom and when. Groups and contact lists are managed on the phone itself instead of the server and messages are deleted from the server as soon as they are delivered without storing any log files or personally identifiable information.

Threema generates a random Threema ID for each of its users while setting up the app and it is not mandatory to link your phone number of email to the app. Also, users can also choose not to share their address book to use the app, which is usually the norm with IM apps.

WhatsApp Logo

Threema says, "any type of message is protected against eavesdropping, including group messages, photos/videos, files, voice calls, and even status messages."

Since users are paying a nominal fee upfront to use Threema, there are no ads and collection of user data for targeted advertising.

Threema is available on both Android and iOS and it costs Rs 270. To put things into perspective, this is the cost of a Frappucino in Starbucks. To those who say no one can put a price of privacy, for the cost of your next Mocha, your chats will be secured and data protected.