Mars, space, nasa, water, life,

Mars might be developing Saturn-like rings, and here's why

It is believed that at some point in the future, the moons will shatter after getting too close to the planet due to its gravitational pull. The process has already started and will take around 20 to 70 million years before the rings are fully formed Feb 22, 2017
5 planets that could host alien life

5 planets that could host alien life

These five exoplanets are prime candidates to potentially support life. They are very likely to be rocky, and orbit in the conservative estimates for the habitable zones of their host stars. It is important to note that just because these planets are in the habitable zone, it does not necessarily mean they are home to lifeforms. Further observations will be needed to determine this for sure. Feb 21, 2017
SpaceX launch rocket to International Space Station with ease

SpaceX launch rocket to International Space Station with ease

A SpaceX Dragon craft made a successful launch on 19 February carrying supplies to the International Space Station. The first mission by Elon Musks company, since a test rocket exploded on the launch pad in September 2016 at Cape Canaveral, went smoothly despite being somewhat delayed. Feb 20, 2017