UFO Arizona
Multiple lights appeared in the skies of ArizonaYouTube: MrMBB333

It was around a couple of years back that United States President Donald Trump proposed an idea of launching a space force. And now, a section of conspiracy theorists believe that the force is already operational in the skies. A recent video apparently shot from the skies of Arizona shows multiple unidentified flying objects (UFO) hovering in the skies, and it has made many people believe that the space force is apparently conducting secret military tests.

UFO in Arizona

In the video, multiple UFOs with glowing lights can be seen hovering and slowly moving in the skies. The video has now gained immense popularity after it was shared by the YouTube conspiracy theory channel 'MrMBB333'. As of now, the video has garnered more than 53,000 views, and most of the viewers who watched it are pretty convinced that something sinister is going on in the skies.

Most of the viewers who watched the video argued that the government is conducting secretive military tests using advanced technology. They even claim that the military is conducting such experiments with the help of NASA, the United States space agency. These conspiracy theorists believe that the United States is using these advanced flying vessels to spy on other countries. 

Aliens behind these sightings?

However, popular UFO hunter Scott C Waring believes that these lights could have an extraterrestrial origin. Waring, on his recent web post, claimed that such sightings have been happening for the past many years, and assured that aliens are behind these glowing lights. He also assured that these lights are not the result of flares. 

"Can these be UFOs? Oh hell yeah, such reports, videos, and photos of this type of glowing alien craft exist going back many decades. I just can't see the military flying and dropping flares in such bad overcast foggy weather...so I'm calling it a UFO fleet. Also, the fact that these lights are in triangle formation makes me confident its not flares. Flares are most often dropped in lines," wrote Waring on his website.