woman with octopus on her face

People continue to surprise us with their antics every day even when we ask, "Can humans get any weirder?" 

As a testament to the above question, a woman from the United States reportedly ended up in a hospital after she put an octopus on her face for a photo op. She experienced a lot of pain when the octopus latched onto her skin and bit her twice.

The incident took place on Friday when the 45-year-old women, identified as Jamie Bisceglia from Washington, was participating in a fishing derby near Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

She came across fishermen in the area who had caught an octopus and she could not resist taking a photograph with it and enter the photo in the derby's photography competition.

Talking to Kiro 7, Jamie said, "It was a photo contest in the derby. So, crazy me, hindsight now and looking back, I probably made a big mistake."

"All of a sudden its beak entered my chin and my eyes popped open wide and they could all see that I was getting attacked, and the photos are taken at the moment it was attacking me," Jamie recalled to Fox News.

Jamie confessed that she did not go to the hospital until two days after the incident because she wanted to continue fishing at the derby.

"I could tell I couldn't swallow properly and I could tell when I opened my eyes it was kind of blurry, the left side of my face, my throat, my glands were swollen and it felt my left side of my face was paralysed," said Jamie.

A similar incident took place in May when a Chinese vlogger tried eating a live octopus for her audience but the octopus latched onto her face. The video which the woman uploaded showed her trying to pry the octopus from her face with as little pain as possible.