The wait is finally over, as the most-anticipated trailer of Jagame Thandhiram has been released. The trailer has already gone viral on the internet, and audiences are praising director Karthik Subbaraj for crafting such a dark-themed clip with international standards. Starring Dhanush, Joju George, and Aishwarya Lekshmi in the lead roles, the trailer indicates that the film will be a high-voltage gangster flick with lots of action sequences and gunfight scenes.
Dhanush and Joju George steal the show
The two minutes and the twenty-three-second trailer begins on an interesting note where the director shows a detention center. Later, the camera shifts to a scene where a group of shooters is all set to execute a group of people. Dhanush makes his grand entry at the 25th second of the trailer. With a Singham mustache, Dhanush can be seen running wildly with fire in his hand.
The trailer indicates that Aishwarya Lekshmi is doing the role of a singer in Jagame Thandhiram. In the 42nd second of the trailer, Joju George makes his stylish entry, and he can be seen walking with full swag after throwing a cigarette. The remaining part of the trailer is filled with shooting scenes, blood, and gore.
Jagame Thandhiram: A movie made with international standards
The trailer of the movie literally resembles an international gangster flick. With impeccable color grading, often seen in Hollywood movies, director Karthik Subbaraj has apparently made this film with international standards.
Dhanush will be seen in two different makeovers in Jagame Thandhiram. Joju George is playing the role of a deadly gangster based in London, while Aishwarya Lekshmi will be seen enacting the character of Dhanush's love interest.
Santhosh Narayanan has composed the music of Jagame Thandhiram. Shreyaas Krishna has handled the cinematography, while Vivek Harshan has carried out the editing for this film.
Jagame Thandhiram will be streamed exclusively on Netflix on June 18, 2021.