Kit Harrington aka Jon Snow in Game of Thrones
Kit Harrington aka Jon Snow in Game of ThronesFacebook/ Game of Thrones

HBO has finally released the teaser trailer of Game of Thrones season eight. The short clip is intended only for marketing purpose and to let fans have a brief idea that in the show, no one is safe. The teaser trailer has brought several speculations and now several fans are wondering the meaning behind that particular feather and what it symbolizes in Jon Snow's life.

The released trailer begins with Jon Snow walking by Lyanna Stark's tomb in the Winterfell crypts. In Game of Thrones season 7, fans finally got to know the real identity of Jon Snow. As per the finale episode of the previous season, Jon is actually half Stark and half Targaryen. Lyanna — Eddard Stark's sister is the real mother of Jon. Now, in the teaser, when he walks by the statue, a feather falls from it which eventually freezes to show the viewers that the long winter is finally here.

Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones Season 6 teaser image feat. Jon SnowFacebook / Game of Thrones

This particular feather has actually some deep meaning in Game of Thrones. In the pilot episode of the Emmy Award-winning show, when King Robert Baratheon comes to Winterfell to ask Eddard to accompany him to the King's Landing and be his Hand, he first visits the crypts. At the crypts, Robert would bring feathers to Lyanna as a symbol of his true love. In addition to this, back in Season 5, Sansa Stark finds that feather, lying at Lyanna's feet, and returns it to the statue's hand.

As of now, there are several speculations when it comes to this particular feather. Many are suggesting that the falling of this feather and ultimately freezing symbolizes as Robert's love for Lyanna going in vain as all long, she was in love with Rhaegar Targaryen — Jon Snow's father. At the same time, it would be interesting to see how Jon Snow will react upon knowing that he is a Targaryen by birth and Lyanna was, in fact, not his aunt, but his mother.

In addition to this, the feather can also signify that the innocent and the loved ones will die by the hands of the winter — in this story, this winter may signify the Night King, who by the end of season seven, was not that far away from Winterfell.

More information will be unveiled on April 14, 2019, when Game of Thrones will return on HBO and other streaming devices for the final season.