The phenomenon of death has been perplexing human beings for ages. Even though there is no scientific evidence, spiritualists strongly believe that human beings will continue their journey in a different realm after taking the last breath. 

To substantiate these views, spiritualists often share the experiences of near-death experience (NDE) survivors, and one such testimonial has now gone viral on online spaces. 

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Afterlife testimonial shared by Tony

This near-death experience testimonial has been shared on the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) website by a person named Tony. 

In the testimonial, Tony revealed that the incident associated with his NDE happened in 1994. According to Tony, while being on the verge of death, he felt peaceful, and immense love surrounded everywhere. 

"I felt a feeling of love thousands of times more powerful than any love I have ever felt ever, it's impossible to describe in words, everything was very peaceful and I do not remember hearing any noises at all just feeling love and peace," wrote Tony on the NDERF website

Tony also added that he clearly left his body, and he was asked whether he wanted to go down or not. He decided to go back to the material world and reached his physical body again. 

A psychiatry professor who suggests the possibility of afterlife

The testimonial shared by Tony has now gone viral, and it has made several people believe that life after death could be real. 

A few months back, Dr Bruce Greyson, professor emeritus in psychiatry at the University of Virginia, in an interview with Observer suggested that human beings have a non-physical part

"I am convinced now, after doing this for 40, 50 years, that there is more to life than just our physical bodies. I recognize that there is a non-physical part of us. Is that spiritual? I'm not sure. Spirituality usually involves a search for something greater than yourself, for meaning and purpose in the universe. Well, I certainly have that," said Greyson.