
Frank Hoogerbeets is now one of the most popular names among conspiracy theorists; all the credit goes to his weird earthquake predictions that turned true multiple times. Recently, Hoogerbeets had warned that a powerful earthquake will hit the planet after May 25. Interestingly, in the time frame suggested by Hoogerbeets, a powerful quake that measured 8 in the Richter scale hit Peru on May 26.

The earthquake in Peru was strong and resulted in the collapse of several buildings.

As Hoogerbeets' prediction has turned true, followers of this self-proclaimed seismic researcher believe that another major earthquake will hit the planet in May end. It should be noted that Hoogerbeets has recently predicted that two planetary alignments involving Mercury on the 24th and 25th may trigger larger seismic activity in the coming days.

Even though the Dutch seismic researcher is quite sure about the occurrence of the earthquake, he did not reveal the exact place in which the tremor is going to hit.

Hoogerbeets, on his website Ditrianum, reveals that he is using an advanced system named Solar System Geometry Index (SSGI) to predict earthquakes. As per Hoogerbeets, certain critical planetary alignments have direct impacts in destabilizing the tectonic plates on the earth, and it causing a rise in seismic activities.

However, experts have continuously dismissed the predictions made by Hoogerbeets. As per seismologists, no current technology or device in the modern world is capable to predict earthquakes with precision. Experts reveal that the predictions of Hoogerbeets might have turned true, and they might be the classic cases of sheer co-incidences. Seismologists reveal that earthquakes might be the signs of potential aftershocks, but there is no surety unless until one tremor jolts the area in the future.