After NASA announced last week that seven Earth-sized planets, known as exoplanets, were discovered by its Spitzer Space Telescope people on Twitter have been suggesting new names for them with the hash tag #7Namesfor7NewPlanets.
The TRAPPIST-1 is located 39.5 light years away. It is a dwarf star located in the solar system called Aquarius.
The hash tag trended in the US and had some interesting suggestions for names.
Many, including American astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson, suggested that they be named after the Snow White and Seven Dwarfs.
They orbit a dwarf star. Clearly they should be named: Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy and Grumpy #7NamesForNewPlanets
— Sian (@Sianny_T) February 26, 2017
However, people thought of funny and ridiculous names for the stars. One Twitter user suggested it be named after Game of Thrones character Hodor.
1. Hold the door
— Jesse Barfield (@JesseBarfieldPi) February 24, 2017
2. Hold the door
3. Hold the door
4. Hod the door
5. Hodoor
6. Hodor
7. Hodor.....? #7NamesForNewPlanets
While another user suggested the names of the Weasley family from the Harry Potter series.
— hannah (@HannahhWolfee) February 27, 2017
While another Twitter user suggested names referring to various fictional franchises like the Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, Doctor Who and others.
— Jeff Pickering (@RedBeardsPlace) February 27, 2017
C:Ceti Alpha V
One Twitter user thought it best to name the seven planets after the Kardashians.
#7NamesFor7Planets Kim, Kendall, Kylie, Khloe, Kris, Kourtney and Kanye pic.twitter.com/wC20xV5uwF
— Sayali (@marathesayu) February 24, 2017
One user wanted to name them after what seems like the only movie franchise he followed.
— John Kavula (@jkav96) February 24, 2017
The Fast and the Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
TFATF: Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious
Fast Five
Fast & Furious 6
Furious 7