The mysteries surrounding the phenomenon of death have been perplexing humans since the day the species achieved consciousness. Even though medical experts consider death as the end of human life, spiritualists strongly believe that there is a life after death, most probably in a different realm. To substantiate these views, spiritualists often put forward the testimonials shared by near-death experience (NDE) survivors, and one such testimonial has now gone viral on the online spaces. 

The unusual NDE testimonial shared by Dayana

The NDE testimonial has been shared by a woman named Dayana on the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) website. Dayana apparently reached the verge of death following a suicide attempt using pills. 

life after death
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As Dayana got separated from her body, she saw a bright tunnel. It should be noted that most of the near-death experience survivors had claimed to have seen this tunnel, and Dayana went ahead and claimed that she crossed the tunnel. After crossing the tunnel, she apparently saw her father. 

"I reached the end of the tunnel. There was a precipice that emptied in the sky. I knew if I left the tunnel, that I would enter heaven. My dad appeared out of nowhere and kissed my forehead. He pushed very hard against my chest. At that moment, I felt my husband's voice desperately screaming at me to wake up. I pretended they were giving me electroshock. I only remember that I touched it and squeezed it because I did not believe what had happened to me. I told my husband, 'I am here with you. Do you see me?' He started crying and told me that I had stopped breathing and my eyes were blank. He also said that I was very cold," wrote Dayana on the NDERF website

Is human life confined to the physical body? 

According to medical experts, human life will end forever when the brain stops functioning. Medical experts reveal that the human brain will face a shortage in oxygen supply during life-threatening events. At these moments, the brain will adopt a survival trick, and it is resulting in these visions often experienced by NDE survivors. 

However, there are some experts who strongly believe in the possibility of life after death. Dr. Bruce Greyson, professor emeritus in psychiatry at the University of Virginia recently suggested that human life may not be just confined to the physical body. He also made it clear that near-death experiences have transformed several people's attitudes, beliefs, values, and behaviors.