Jaime Lannister
Jaime Lannister and the armourTwitter/Official Game of Thrones page

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 1 showed Jaime Lannister finally coming back to the Winterfell and seeing Bran Stark after all these years. Bran's creepy star has already given rise to several memes but many are now arguing that not Jon Snow but Jaime Lannister is Azor Ahai and he will help everyone destroy the White Walkers and the Night King once and for all.

In the last scene of Game of Thrones season 8 episode 1 titled "Winterfell," we saw Jaime Lannister's arrival to the Winterfell. In the released promo of the second episode, we saw him facing the wrath of Daenerys Targaryen for killing her father. We know that Jaime is a far too important character to just get killed off for this reason. Rather, fans are now assuming that he is Azor Ahai, The Prince That Was Promised.

As we have already covered extensively in the past, Azor Ahai was a mythical hero in the Westeros who reunited all the Seven Kingdoms and fought the original White Walkers. As per George RR Martin's book, The Promised Prince was "born amidst salt and smoke, under a bleeding star."

Jaime Lannister's journey in the show has proven that he is Azor Ahai. As per the book, Ahai's sword broke for two times before he managed to bring the sword that would kill the White Walkers. At the same time, Jaime's hand plays a vital role in all these speculations.

As per the book and the show, Valyrian words for gold and hands are aeksion and ondos. Valyrian words for lord and light are aeksio and Onos. This means that the true saviour of the Seven Kingdom is the one with Gold Hand — and who has a hand of Gold? Jaime Lannister!

These theories also compliment one of our previous prediction where we stated that Bran Stark is the Night King. There are several theories claiming that Night King is just Bran Stark but stuck in the future or past (depends on the perspective). In the past, when Azor Ahai came for the first time, he ended the reign of terror and when Bran said in the first episode that "I am waiting for an old friend to come," there are chances that Bran was not referring to Jaime but he was talking about Azor Ahai.

These speculations are all too good to be true and as we all have been warned, fans are too far behind in speculating the end of the series. At this point, we can simply wait for the next episode to air.

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2 will air in India on April April 22, at 6:30 a.m.