Richter scale
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Frank Hoogerbeets is a self-proclaimed seismic expert operating from the Netherlands. He has been predicting earthquakes through his website Ditrianum for the past couple of years. Interestingly, many of his earthquake predictions have turned true and it has made people believe that the technology used by Hoogerbeets to make predictions is authentic.

Adding up to the worries, Hoogerbeets has now predicted that a powerful earthquake will hit regions around Vancouver Island on December 25 and 26.

Hoogerbeets' earthquake prediction turning true

Interestingly, just a few hours after making this prediction, two earthquakes struck in the Pacific Ocean west of the northern tip of Vancouver Island on December 25, 2019. The first tremor measured 6.2 in the Richter scale and was followed by an aftershock measuring 3.2 M.

Hoogerbeets on his website had claimed that electric fluctuations in the earth's atmosphere are causing these earthquakes. As per Hoogerbeets, these electric fluctuations are destabilizing the tectonic plates on the earth and it is causing tremors on the planet.

Can we trust Hoogerbeets' earthquake predictions?

Hoogerbeets has claimed on multiple instances that he is using a very advanced earthquake monitoring system called SSGI (Solar System Geometry Index) to predict potential quakes. The self-proclaimed researcher also believes that critical lunar geometry and planetary alignments also have direct impacts in determining seismic activities on the earth.

However, seismic experts have dismissed the claims made by Hoogerbeets, as they claim that no current technology on earth is capable of predicting earthquakes with such precision.

It should be also noted that Vancouver Island is an area of high seismicity and earthquakes here are quite often.

"Having earthquakes in this region is completely normal. We're used to a lot of them there. This is an area of high seismicity," said Andrew Schaeffer, a seismologist who works with Natural Resources Canada, CBC reports.