Rescue personnel search a collapses building after an earthquake hit Hualien, Taiwan February 7, 2018Reuters

Frank Hoogerbeets, a self-proclaimed earthquake researcher who runs the website 'Ditrianum' strongly believes that critical planetary alignments have direct impacts in determining earthquakes on the planet. Interestingly, some of his earthquake predictions have turned true, and it includes the recent quake that hit Arunachal Pradesh a few days back.

Now, Hoogerbeets has claimed that a powerful earthquake, possibly a megaquake will hit the planet on the final days of April. In a recent website post, Hoogerbeets predicted that the earthquake may measure more than 8 in the Richter scale. If such an earthquake happens, it will spread catastrophe in the area affected, and thousands may lose their lives.

"Critical geometry in the solar system may trigger large seismic activity from the 25th to the 29th possibly peaking 7+ magnitude. From April 30 to May 3 will be extremely critical with potentially a high 7 to 8+ magnitude earthquake," wrote Hoogerbeets on his website.

As per Hoogerbeets, Neptune, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun are all positions in specific places in the solar system that could destabilise the tectonic plates on the earth. In his website, Hoogerbeets revealed that he is making use of a sophisticated system named 'Solar System Geometry Index' to predict potential quakes due to planetary alignments.

Even though Hoogerbeets is pretty sure about the imminent earthquake, he failed to reveal the exact place where the earthquake is going to hit.

However, seismic experts have never bothered to care the predictions made by Hoogerbeets. As per experts, no technology on planet earth is capable of predicting earthquakes, and they believe that Hoogerbeets is making these claims just for the sake of publicity. Experts believe that the possibilities of an earthquake can be determined only by analyzing foreshocks, and these predictions will only turn true when aftershocks hit the area.