Amid growing concerns regarding the possibility of a third wave outbreak that could affect children, the health ministry, on Wednesday has issued detailed guidelines for treating coronavirus in people below 18 years. In the guidelines issued by the Directorate General of Health Services, the government noted that antiviral drug Remdesivir is not recommended for children. 

Remdesivir not to be used for Covid treatment

The guidelines added that there is "a lack of sufficient safety and efficacy data with respect to Remdesivir in children below 18 years of age." 

children third wave
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According to the recently issued guidelines, steroids should be used only among patients who are critically ill. The guidelines also urged people to stay away from self-medication using steroids. 

Six-minute walk test for children

The government also recommended a six-minute walk test for children above 12 years to assess their cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance. However, this walk test will not be applicable for teenagers who are suffering from asthma. 

The guidelines also requested doctors to be very selective while prescribing CT scans. 

"The scan of the chest provides better visualization of the extent and nature of lung involvement in patients with Covid-19, but any additional information gained from HRCT scan of the chest often has little impact on treatment decisions, which are based almost entirely on clinical severity and physiological impairment," the guideline added. 

Treating asymptomatic children

The guidelines issued by the Directorate General of Health Services did not recommend any specific medication for children who are asymptomatic to coronavirus infection. However, the guidelines urged to promote Covid protocols including usage of masks, strict hand hygiene, and physical distancing among asymptomatic children. 

During times of moderate Covid infection, the guidelines suggested the use of immediate oxygen therapy. In times of severe infection, fluid and electrolyte balance should be maintained, and corticosteroids therapy should be started.