A near-death experience (NDE) testimonial shared by a man named Stefan is now the hottest debating point among spiritualists and afterlife believers. In the testimonial shared on the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) website, Stefan shared the vision he saw at the age of six when he reached the verge of death during tonsillectomy. 

A White wall and two people standing behind

Stefan, in the testimonial, revealed that he saw a bright white wall during the near-death experience. He also claimed that there was radiance emitting from behind the wall, and added that two people were standing behind that light-emitting structure. 

life after death
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"Everything was white. In the distance, I saw a white wall. The wall was as big as a townhouse on its side. The wall was white and behind it was a radiance emitting quite a bright white light. The white light was emitting light in a circular shape and the shape was larger than the wall. I could not see what was behind the wall, I just saw the radiant light. I did see 2 people standing on the other side of the wall. They were facing whatever / whoever was behind the wall. They were small in comparison to the wall. One was standing and was calm. The other one seemed like a very strong, bearded man, age 50 or so kneeling and crying before the light," wrote Stefan on the NDERF website

He also added that that time offered the most lovable moments in his life, and revealed that he will never forget that ecstatic feeling. 

Is the life of a human being confined to the physical body?

The testimonial shared by Stefan has gone viral, and it has many people believe that life after death, as mentioned in several religious textbooks could be real. However, medical experts believe that death is the end of everything, and the visual hallucinations during near-death experiences are due to the survival trick adopted by the human brain to combat reduced oxygen supply. 

Despite the lack of scientific evidence, there are some top experts who believe in the existence of life after death. Psychiatric professor Bruce Greyson recently suggested that the human body could have a non-physical part. He also added that NDE has transformed several people's attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors.