The mysteries surrounding death have been perplexing humans for years. Even though medical experts consider death as the end of human life, spiritualists strongly argue that there could be a life after death in a different realm. To substantiate this theory, these spiritualists often cite testimonials shared by near-death experience (NDE) victims, where most of them claimed to have seen weird visuals like bright tunnels and shadowy beings.
Afterlife is complete nothingness
However, a man named Liam who temporarily died claims that the afterlife journey offers nothing but absolute nothingness. Liam made these remarks on his NDE testimonial shared on the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) website.

In the testimonial, Liam claimed to have reached utmost dark cosmic space during the near-death experience.
"I found myself in a very dark, cosmic space. I was standing in an endless expanse in outer space. I was surrounded by absolute darkness. I could look infinitely far into the darkness, yet, I can't describe this in words. It wasn't cold or warm. I had no feelings about temperature. I was without a body and wide awake. I had an absolute awareness of myself, which has nothing in common with my earthly perception. I never had been so aware of my existence," wrote Liam on the NDERF website.
More awareness during NDE
In the testimonial, Liam claimed that he had more universal knowledge and awareness during the near-death experience, and made it clear that his mind was crystal clear.
"I noticed that I was utterly alone in this endless dark expanse. I felt lonely, but it wasn't comparable with a feeling of loneliness on earth. It was a thousand times worse because it felt like total abandonment. Panic set in as I felt all alone in the dark 'outer space', without stars, and no presence of anyone or anything," added Liam.
Even though Liam considers this experience a sign of the afterlife, medical experts have dismissed it by stating that human life will end when the brain stops functioning. According to medical experts, the human brain will face a shortage of oxygen supply, and it is resulting in weird visual hallucinations.