Pretty Little Liars
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When "Pretty Little Liars" returned on Tuesday night, it revealed the identity of the person responsible for shooting Ezra, but at the same time, it has left fans wondering if the same person is A.

The season premiere picked up from where the fourth season left off with Ezra fighting for his life after getting shot during a scuffle with A.

Ezra is seen languishing in a hospital, while Aria stands guard to ensure that A does not return to finish the deed of killing the high school teacher. But before long, his shooter does show up in the form of a friend sent by Alison to comfort Aria.

Shana is revealed to be Ezra's shooter, but not before she goes off to the Fitzgerald Theater with the intention of killing Alison. Shana is out for revenge and it turns out that she fell in love with Jenna after Alison asked her to dig up dirt in Rosewood. But Shana's opinion of her former friend changes when she hears about Jenna and everyone's horror stories about Alison.

But before Shana could hurt Alison and the girls, Aria comes in, grabs a huge prop gun and hits Shana with it. Shana falls off the stage and dies instantly.

"It really is over. It's over," Aria says, shocked that she killed someone.

But the Liars' troubles with A might be far from over, as not many viewers believe that Shana is the hooded figure that has tortured the girls.

 In the meantime, Mona, who is unhappy with Alison's return, has been assembling a small army consisting of Melissa, Lucas and a few other people to take down Alison. Detective Holbrook, too, is out for Alison. But she cannot escape as she gave away her passport and plane ticket to CeCe.

It also turns out that CeCe was never Red Coat. She was in Rosewood to collect information for Ezra, but ended up getting in the midst of a major drama that involved the killing of Detective Wilden.

Episode two of the season is going to be high on Spencer-Toby romance, according to "Pretty Little Liars" executive producer Marlene King.

"OK Spoby's. DO NOT MISS EPISODE 502! There I said it. Kinda loudly," she tweeted last month in response to a fan lamenting the lack of new about Spencer and Toby.