10 amazing bedtime drinks that'll help you lose weight

Milk: It is rich in calcium, protein, zinc, and vitamin B. A glass of milk can get you a sound sleep, thanks to the high levels of tryptophan and calcium. The health drink contains a hunger-fighting hormone (peptide YY - PYY), which keeps the stomach full for a longer period of time. Thus, it helps you reduce the sudden food cravings.

May 28, 2018 11:26 IST
1 of 10 Weight loss tips,easy weight loss tips,how to lose weight fast,best bedtime drinks,bedtime drinks to lose weight,best health drink for weight loss Credit: Getty Images Prev Next

Milk: It is rich in calcium, protein, zinc, and vitamin B. A glass of milk can get you a sound sleep, thanks to the high levels of tryptophan and calcium. The health drink contains a hunger-fighting hormone (peptide YY - PYY), which keeps the stomach full for a longer period of time. Thus, it helps you reduce the sudden food cravings.
