Peter Triantos
Peter Triantos

When Peter Triantos was sixteen years old, he decided to drop out of high school and run his own race. He claims, he believes that predefined processes create predefined people, and even at an early age, he knew he had to pave his own path. Being born into a financially modest family, Peter knew he had to build his business up from scratch. At the age of twenty-one, he says he started his entrepreneurial journey by buying a run-down chicken grill bar - which went on to open five more stores. In 2007, he decided to move into food manufacturing and claims to have invested three million dollars into infrastructure to shake up the condiment sauce space. He started 8Food from scratch, he claims.

This venture asp per him quickly gained momentum and became one of the top condiment manufacturers in Australia. This sort of traction was not taken well by the competitors as per him, who waged a price war against him. The competitive prices that these giants set caused a lot of damage - to the extent where he lost his family home and most of his assets. However, he claims that he was still successful in terms of building his company back up - eventually setting up his own distribution company also. Both now he claims (unverified) have a turnover of thirty-five million dollars.

The secret to his success, he says, is his competitive nature. He believes that competitive people make the world go round.