In a new shocker from China, three samples of ice cream have tested positive for the deadly coronavirus in northern China. Health authorities are now tracing people who may have come in contact with the ice cream and also seizing the product that has been contaminated 

Ice Cream

The ice creams were produced by the Tianjin Daqiaodao Food Company in the northern Tianjin Municipality. According to China Daily, the company had produced a total of 4,836 boxes, of which 1,812 had been sold to various provinces. As many as 2,089 have now been sealed up and secured. 

Ice cream company's 1,662 employees are now in quarantine

Authorities are in the process of investigating 65 boxes that had been sold in the local market after three samples tested positive for COVID-19. At least 1000 residents who bought the ice creams have been asked to report their health and physical movements.

The company's 1,662 employees are now in quarantine, out of which 700 have tested negative for the viral infection.

According to the investigations, the company used multiple raw materials to make batches of ice cream. And some of them were imported. The milk powder was imported from New Zealand while the whey powder had been imported from Ukraine.