Hyundai Brings New Android Wear App To Control Your Car Remotely
BlueLink: New Android Wear App Can Start Your Car With A Single TapHyundai Press

Hyundai is following the wearable trend with its new Android Wear app that helps drivers control their cars remotely.

The new Hyundai BlueLink smartwatch app responds to voice commands for various functions like starting the car's engine, unlocking or locking doors, finding the car in a crowded parking lot, or even getting roadside assistance.

The useful app works with any smartwatch running Google's Android Wear OS and was co-developed by Station Digital Media.

BlueLink sports a simple UI with just screen taps and voice commands to carry out important operations. In addition to the basic remote functions, the app can also be used to flash the lights, honk the horn and contact Blue Link service from right within the app.

Users need to activate the voice function by tapping the microphone icon before executing commands like "start my car," "lock my car," "find my car," and so on.

"This new app expands Hyundai's exploration into how wearable technology and Blue Link fit into a customer's lifestyle," Barry Ratzlaff, executive director, customer connect and service business development, Hyundai Motor America, said in a statement.

"Connecting to your car through a smartwatch and voice recognition was previously something seen only in science fiction movies. Now, we can provide this capability to owners of Hyundai vehicles equipped with Blue Link."

The app must be connected to an Android Phone via Bluetooth for it to work. There is no minimum range for the app to respond to the commands as long as there is a working internet or cellular connection and the cars are equipped with the BlueLink system. Hyundai will demonstrate the app using various smartwatches from Sony, Motorola, LG and Samsung at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

BlueLink app features at a glance:

  • Remote engine start/stop
  • Remote door lock/unlock
  • Flash lights
  • Honk horn
  • Find car
  • Call roadside assistance
  • Call BlueLink

BlueLink will be available as a free download from Google Play Store starting Q1 this year.