Donald Trump
The Republican businessman Donald Trump, earlier this year, had also said that Mexico will pay for the border wall.Reuters

President-elect Donald Trump went back to his old ways of tweeting on Thursday when he rebuked the protesters in cities like New York, Chicago and Oregon for protesting against his presidency.

Soon after the US presidential election results declared Trump as the winner on Wednesday, hundreds and thousands of protesters took to the streets chanting "Not my President, not today." Several protests broke out in various cities across America including Boston, New York, Chicago and Oregon.

Police in Boston estimated around 1,000 peaceful protesters flooding the streets and carrying signs, which read "Love Trumps Hate," "Trump is racism" and "Impeach Trump," to protest against Donald Trump's presidency. Reports state that a lot of high school and university students participated in the protests and walk outs in the cities.

Responding to the increasing number of protesters in the state, Donald Trump took to Twitter on Thursday and called the agitators "professional protesters" and said that the widespread protests against him were "very unfair."

Trump's unprecedented win has shocked the whole world, particularly some Americans who refuse to accept him as their president. Going by Trump's remarks during his campaign trail on Mexicans, Muslims and women, many think that a person who promoted racism and hate to reach his presidency is unfit to be the president of the United States.

However, Trump's former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway defended his ability to unite the country to CNN's Anderson Cooper and said that people should listen to his victory speech where he has talked about being a president for all Americans.