The divine presence of Lord Jesus Christ was experienced by a bunch of people during a dramatic California fire. Before you chalk it up to coincidence or blind faith, there is a video of the incidence and the evidence is pretty damning.
The fire, which took place last Saturday at a duplex in Fresno, California, was recorded by a woman, one of the witnesses who can be heard screaming, "There is a man inside". She recorded as a heroic man rescued the victim, who was stuck inside, by carrying him over his shoulders.
And just when you thought things couldn't get any more dramatic, the cloud of smoke above the house, morphed into the face of Jesus Christ.
Forker brothers Wyatt and Dillon, who live down the street from where the fire occurred, told KSEE News: "It's Jesus up in there", when questioned on what they thought was amongst the cloud of smoke.
Dillon, who was coming back from his shift at McDonalds had seen the smoke, and it was big, he says. Although the smoke has since cleared up, thanks to the video recorded by the witness, the unmistakable face of Jesus is now saved for everyone to see.
The now viral video, which was recorded in the mobile phone of the eye witness has been an important topic of discussion since, with many claiming that the occupants of the home is clearly being watched over by the Lord.
"You see Jesus in the smoke, and then the person gets saved. That's, that's right there not a coincidence," Wyatt says.
However, Monsignor Raymong Dreiling, with the Catholic Diocese of Fresno is of the opinion that people may just be reading too much into the image. It could purely be a coincidence, he said, although he can be heard exclaiming, "Oh Wow! Yeah, you can see it," as he was shown the video recording of the fire.
Monsignor Dreiling is of that opinion, that while this may not be God speaking to us specifically, it is hint for the people of faith. God was watching of the home, sure, he says, but him the "true face of God, the true image of God, was the man carrying his neighbour out on his shoulders."
While no one has been hurt in the fire according the Fresno Fire Department, public information officer Koby Johns said on Wednesday that the cause is still under investigation.
Johns, like Dreiling also believes in that the true moral of this story the bravery and willingness of the man who rescued the other. "That's the lesson, the most profound lesson we take from this," said Dreiling.