Apple Maps vs Google Maps
Apple Maps vs Google Maps: Which mapping service is better and why

Apple Maps has long been playing catch-up with Google Maps as its mapping service has been lagging behind in coverage and other mapping information. The iPhone maker is reportedly making amends to keep up with the competition in recent times, but the latest comparison screenshots published on Justin's blog suggest otherwise.

As seen in Justin's comparison review, there have been significant improvements made to Google Maps over the period of last one year as opposed to minor additions to Apple Maps. For instance, you can see the Patricia's Green Park in central San Francisco being compared side-by-side on both Apple and Google Maps.

Check out a few of those interesting screenshots below:

Apple Maps vs Google Maps
Comparison screenshot showing how much Apple Maps lags behind Google MapsJustinobierne

Quite obviously, you will notice the amazing details like park paths and neighbouring landmarks clearly marked out on the Google Maps, but very sparse details on the Apple Maps. Furthermore, the report adds that the accuracy of information is dubious on Apple Maps, owing to the lack of details.

Apple Maps vs Google Maps
Comparison screenshots showing how much Apple Maps lags behind Google MapsJustinobierne

It seems certain business locations are being cycled (added or removed) on a monthly basis on the Apple Maps, while Google Maps will continue displaying all existing landmark locations for a given address without any limitations. The reason for the inflated number of changes being reported on Apple Maps has been attributed to its poor geocoder mechanism.

Furthermore, the finer details on Google Maps are coupled with a polished and refined interface, making the points of interest more visible to the user. With the lack of refinements, Apple Maps continues to look outdated and not user-friendly like its Google counterpart.