Polling in Kashmir
Voters turn out in large number to cast their votes on Baramulla Lok Sabha seat of Kashmir ValleyDIPR J&K

Expressing faith in the democratic institutions and democratic system of the country, the brothers of two dreaded terrorists on Monday appealed to the youth of Kashmir to cast their votes for the development of their respective areas.

They also appealed to the "misguided" youth of Kashmir Valley to shun the path of violence and live a peaceful and dignified life.

Dawood, the brother of top Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist Billal Ahmed, minced no words in criticizing those who believed in violence.

After casting his vote in Sopore, the native place of hardcore Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geenli, Dawood appealed to the people to exercise their right to franchise to ensure better development of their areas.

Dawood said his two other brothers are already lodged in jail for terrorist-related activity and appealed to the government for their release.

Rouf Lone, brother of the dreaded Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) terrorist Umar Lone, appealed to all misguided youth to shun the path of violence and join the mainstream to live a dignified and peaceful life.

Polling in Kashmir

Echoing similar sentiment, Rouf Lone, the brother of Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist Umar Lone, appealed to the people of Kashmir to take part in the polling process.

"Vote is the most powerful right we have and all of us must use this right to elect our genuine representatives", he said.

Rouf, raising his finger marked with indelible ink, also urged his brother to surrender in the interest of peace. In April this year, Umar's mother made a similar appeal, asking him to surrender.

"I appeal to my brother Umar to surrender to the security forces. If he does so, it will be much better, and he will return to his mother and family," Lone said.

Rouf Lone, an early voter in Baramulla, emphasized that voting is his right and encouraged everyone to cast their vote because developmental works will follow. Come to the polling booths and don't waste your vote.

"Come to the polling booths, don't waste your vote. I appeal to my brother Umar to surrender to the security forces. If he does so, it will be an act of kindness," said Rouf Lone after voting in Pattan.

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Jamaat leader asks youth to participate in the electoral process

Days after his colleague expressed his desire to fight elections, the former general secretary of the banned Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) Ghulam Qadir Lone called upon the youth of Kashmir to participate in the electoral process.

Recalling the infamous 1987 rigged assembly elections, Lone expressed hope that the dark chapter of the 1987 election rigging will not be repeated.  He emphasized the importance of youth involvement in the electoral process.

Reflecting on the historical significance of the 1987 rigging, Lone underscored the need to prevent such occurrences in the future. "A long time has passed since the 1987 rigging. I hope this won't be repeated," he remarked, urging authorities to ensure free and fair elections, as reported by the Srinagar-based news agency.

Important to mention here that after casting his vote on the Srinagar Parliamentary constituency on May 13, the panel head of the JeI Ghulam Qadir Wani expressed the desire to contest the coming assembly elections in the Union Territory.