Bhavana, the beautiful starlet from Mollywood is now a known name in other South Indian industries. Since her debut in 2002 through the movie 'Nammal', Bhavana has made her presence felt in all South Indian industries that include, Mollywood, Sandalwood, Kollywood, and Tollywood. However, her career faced a small setback due to some serious issues in her personal life a couple of years back, and since then, she has acted in only one Malayalam film 'Adam Joan'.
In a recent interview given to a 91.1 FM, Bhavana revealed the real reason why she is staying away from Mollywood. During the interview, the actress said that she has been receiving many Mollywood offers, but she is not able to sign any of those movies due to her Sandalwood commitments.
However, Bhavana made it clear that she will sign more Malayalam movies once she completes the shooting of her Kannada movies.
During the talk, Bhavana also revealed that she loves her fans a lot, but it is practically impossible for her to reply to everyone who used to contact her via social media platforms.
Bhavana is currently enjoying the success of her latest movie '99', the Kannada remake of Tamil blockbuster '96'. This romantic drama is directed by Preetham Gubbi, and it features Ganesh in the role of the male lead. The film upon its release a couple of days back has succeeded in impressing audiences and critics alike, and people are praising Bhavana for her elegant look and charismatic screen presence.
Other Sandalwood movies Bhavana committed recently are 'Inspector Vikram' and 'My Name is Anji'.
As Bhavana has now revealed the real reason behind staying away from Mollywood movies, fans of the actress believe that she will soon act in a Malayalam film after completing her Sandalwood commitments.