Representational image.Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash

On Monday, the government of Karnataka allowed clubs around the state to resume their activities. Following the many restrictions imposed in May, clubs have been allowed to resume their sports facilities and their dine-in services.

The government issued a clarification on the resumption of sports activities within the clubs. However, liquor will not be served yet at the clubs. 

Clubs and stadiums resume activity

The Government of Karnataka has allowed the resumption of sporting activities and the opening of sports facilities at social clubs. These were closed down due to the risk of the spread of Coronavirus in the city and to ensure no public gatherings would be observed. 

Now, the government has allowed these facilities to be reopened, however, without spectators and the public. This is still a relief to athletes looking to get back to normality. Swimming and swimming facilities still remain barred. The notification on Monday reduces the confusion on the resumption of sporting activities within social clubs

Dine-in services at the clubs have also been allowed to resume. While this comes as a relief, liquor will not be allowed to be served to the visitors and members. The revenue department's Principal Secretary Anjum Parwez was quoted by Deccan Herald as saying, "It is clarified that subject to following of conditions laid out by national and state guidelines/orders, sporting activities and serving of food on tables in social clubs of the state are permitted." 

Even with these few relaxations, large gatherings and congregations will remain prohibited. Now clubs will receive some respite, even if a complete return to normalcy is still a long way off.